The Game: Level 2.1


'Sonic', you're joining the Arrelle. I guess that's alright, but as a penalty I'll have to mark you as one of them. Go ahead and take control, you son of a finch. We will make you regret it.


Andy is the coder! He has a deviantArt account and a Tumblr thing.

Chelsea is the musician! She has a SoundCloud account and also she composed music for those Session lands I drew.

Thanks for playing!


The Game Levels

Level 1 Prologue
Level 1.1
Level 1.2
Level 1.3
Level 2 Prologue
Level 2.1
Level 2.2
Level 2.3
Level 3 Prologue
Level 3.1
Level 3.2


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Series: The Game
Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Denise Truong
Language: en
Year: 2014