Windows 8: The Spoof


This is a parody of Windows 8, This is incredibly funny! HeheheheheHahahahahaHAHAH AHAHA!!

Author Comments:

1/25/2012 UPDATE:
All right! Fans of this, this is YOUR time to help me! Now, I need somebody with a Apple Developers account to HELP ME OUT! I just finished the IPhone OS version and the person to come-up to me with an e-mail (in the readme file) letting me know that you can help me. And, if you can put a price tag for .50 cents... I'll let you keep .26 cents! sound good?!? then copy and paste this address:
When I receive one email about this then I will not take anymore mail.
I will post when this happens
1/25/2012 UPDATE:
It now has 1000 hits! Amazing! thank you! as a reward... I will be working on a another page of apps and a IPhone version which will be called (Windows Phone 8: The Spoof)
And on a sadder note... My flash trial will be expired :( BUT! If you guys can get this like a million views then my ad impressions might get me the full CS5 and I will update constantly until Windows 9 or some other crap comes around... On the special occasion you might expect a NG Radio App... maybe... IDK. But! do expect a Xbox original emulator! (fake though but incredibly funny!)
1/24/2012 UPDATE:
Glitches fixed on the Xbox Live App.
Ad Intro added for monetary gain
I have 4 US Cents as of now!
This is Windows 8. check out all the apps:
o Internet Explorer
o Google Chrome
o Torrents
o Hot Chicks
o Suicide Note Writer v8.4
o Xbox Live
o Apple
o Buy What I Say Or I'll Kill You dot com
o Kinect for Windows 8
o Windows Movie Pirater

Publisher: Newgrounds
Language: en
Year: 2012