Words Have Weight

The idea for this game was inspired by the works of several political cartoonists who had the courage to respond to the Charlie Hebdo incident in Paris. My aim was to demonstrate the power of words in the face of violence. At times, those words seem futile, but as long as we keep the moving the discussion forward, our words can have a real impact — sometimes in unforeseen ways.
Since the player can type their own words, the meaning of the game may change based on whether the first words are, "Don't shoot," "No religion", or "I'm transgender."
Special thanks to Anna Kipnis, who gave a huge amount of time to discuss the design, and to Adam Saltsman, who designed the Flixel engine that I used to make the game in just a few hours.
For similar short games, check out A Game About * or Karma High. You can see more of my professional work at Lazy 8 Studios