You Are Disabled


Made in 72 hours for the Ludum Dare Jam:


You Are Disabled is a platformer where your character is plagued with a random disability at birth, seen as inferior by humanity and discarded underground. Your character must cope with his/her disability while trying to escape the underground prison.

Each disability brings something somewhat unique to your playthrough.


Nearly Blind


Space/Z = Jump
Arrow Keys/WASD = Move
Down/S = Talk and Read


UPDATE - V1.1:
Thanks for all the plays and feedback. I'm very happy with the reception this game has gotten. This game seems to have resonated with a lot of you, and that's very cool.

I realize that many of you are getting frustrated with the game, but that's the point. Many people who are disabled in real life do get frustrated. Life isn't always fair, and I wanted to try and portray that in this little game.


- Added a way to restart with a different disability from the first room
- Made it so you respawn on the side of the room you came from
- Got rid of unintended annoyances while playing Spastic
- Added an indication right before a tic when playing Spastic
- Made lava bubble hitbox a little smaller
- Shameless self promotion links when clicking "A Game By Cory Martin"
- Fixed a typo
- Other minor tweaks
- Secret



i had a couple more disabilities planned and their systems in place (scared of socialization, armless) but I couldn't work them in the actual levels in time.

On the second day of Ludum Dare, I wasn't really happy at all with how the game was turning out; it was devoid of character and the level design was haphazard. I decided to take another day and try and fix it up the best I could and submit it in time for the 72 hour jam instead. After not sleeping and spending the whole day introducing new mechanics, designing levels, adding in all the dialog and thematic elements and other miscellaneous things, I think I turned it into a decent game.

The game is potentially very unfair, especially with certain disabilities, but I think that fits the message of the game well.